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Musicologo Y Menes - Ride Of The Universe


Letra De Musicologo Y Menes - Ride Of The Universe Lyrics

The shadow of your smile
Under the open skies
As I close my eyes

I can feel the wind arise

We’re made of stardust
Our lives ahead of us

We’ll ride The magic bus into the heart of love

I can taste it, taste the feeling of the blue skies they’re for real and we’re the center of the universe
Just you and I, and I, and I

The shadow of your smile
Under the open skies
As I close my eyes
I can feel the wind arise

We’re made of stardust
Our lives ahead of us

We’ll ride The magic bus into the heart of love

I can taste it, taste the feeling of the blue skies they’re for real and we’re the center of the universe
Just you and I, and I, and I

The shadow of your smile
Under the open skies
As I close my eyes
I can feel the wind arise

We’re made of stardust
Our lives ahead of us

We’ll ride The magic bus into the heart of love

I can taste it, taste the feeling of the blue skies they’re for real and we’re the center of the universe
Just you and I, and I, and I

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